Pope St. John Paul II says that, “human persons are willed by God; they are imprinted with God’s image. Their dignity does not come from the work they do, but from the persons they are”.
Ministry Objective PRAY for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death, especially for unborn babies in danger of abortion. EDUCATE others about our Catholic Church’s teachings on the Gospel of Life. COMMUNICATE parish, diocesan, and national pro-life news and events. PARTICIPATE in specific pro-life diocesan activities/events SUPPORT mothers & fathers in unexpected pregnancies through material and financial donations to our local pregnancy help centers and maternity homes.
Pro-Life Local Resources Crisis Pregnancy Centers:
Take the “Voyage of Life” (video):www.lozierinstitute.org/voyage For more information contact: Mary Ann Harman at (214)537-9823
STM Respect Life Committee: Thank you for supporting our 2024 Baby Bank Campaign. Your generous donations are supporting "Moms in Need" at White Rose Women's Center, Bloom Pregnancy Resource Center, and the ministries of CPLC, our diocesan Respect Life Ministry. God bless you.
Be an Angel: Bring hope, comfort, & friendship to a woman in our community during her pregnancy. Walk with a Mom in need. For more information:www.prolifedallas.org