Parish Hall can be scheduled six months prior to the event date no sooner.
Parish Hall Guidelines
The hall is available for rent by registered, active, tithing parishioners for private family celebrations, such as receptions, anniversary parties, birthday celebrations, showers, etc., with the pastor’s approval for a fee.
The parish hall is not available for:
• Political rallies or candidates
• Commercial purposes
. Fundraising
Reservations: Contact General Manager, MaryGaines at 972-279-6581, ext. 101, for availability. Parish events receive priority scheduling. The hall will be available for rental functions after parish needs are met and the annual parish calendar is complete. It will not be reserved until the rental agreement is completed and returned with a damage deposit. The rental fee is due and payable 12 weeks prior to the event. Rental agreements will not be made more than one year before the event.
Rental Fees: $800 for members, plus a $150 deposit and liability insurance. $1000 for non-parishioners, and a $250 deposit and liability insurance.
Liability Insurance: Must be purchased. See “Insurance Coverage” below.
Damage Deposit: A damage deposit of $200 is required upon completion and return of the rental agreement. It may be refunded in whole or in part, depending on the hall’s condition after use, as assessed by the business manager and approved by the business manager and pastor. The renter agrees to pay for any property damage over and above the assigned fees.
Accommodations: The parish agrees to provide the hall in clean condition with tables and chairs. Occupancy is 250 with chairs only or 200 with chairs and round tables. Larger groups cannot be accommodated. Setup will be provided if the parish office is notified of the configuration a week prior to the event.
The parish does not provide the use of the kitchen or utensils, tableware, table covers, dishcloths, towels or dishwashing detergent, refrigerator, freezer, coffee pots, coffee urns, stove, ovens, and warming units. The use of deep-fat fryers is prohibited.Leftover food must be removed from the premises at the conclusion.
Cleanup: The renter will be responsible for wet mopping any spills, dust mopping the hall, and wiping tables and chairs. Trash cans are to be moved to the east kitchen doors. Floors should be swept and trash picked up. The renter is also responsible for the cleanup, of microwaves, appliances, and any other items used for food preparation and service area to be cleaned and returned to their storage area. The renter is responsible for removing all decorations on the day of the event.
Proper cleanup is critical to receive a deposit refund.
Setup and Deliveries: Renters have hall access for setup before the event. Access should be coordinated with the business manager or maintenance supervisor. Decorations shall be reviewed by the business manager. No decorations may be taped, tacked, or otherwise attached to walls, windows, or hung from the ceiling without approval.Violation of this rule and any damage caused by decoration removal will result in forfeiture of a $150 damage deposit. Deliveries should be scheduled when the renter has hall access, not any sooner.
Items for the event should not be scheduled for delivery prior to the time the renter has hall access. The renter should be present for all setup, and deliveries and should act as a supervisor to any catering staff. Parish staff is not available to accept deliveries.
Saturday Events: The hall is not available during Masses or other liturgies. On Saturday afternoons, the event must end, with premises vacated, by 4 p.m. For Saturday evening events, the hall will not be available for occupancy prior to the end of 5:30 p.m. Mass. Renters will be allowed into the hall for setup and decorating earlier in the day. A 7 p.m. start for Saturday evening events is preferred. All evening events must end and premises vacated by 10:00 p.m.
Alcoholic Beverages: You must hire two Garland Police officers and a licensed bartender. The sale of alcoholic beverages is expressly prohibited, including money given as a donation.
No alcoholic beverage is to be served to minors. Renters are expected to be vigilant about alcohol abuse.
Insurance Coverage: Diocesan policy requires that any person or group sponsoring a private party on parish property obtain “special event coverage” liability insurance. The certificate needs to state in the Description of Operations section that there is an endorsement of the policy naming " The Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas" and the specific Entity as "Additional Insured", and that the coverage available under the policy is primary over any other coverage available. Coverage can be obtained at Allstate with Diana Wickman at 972-271-1413
Coverage must be obtained at least 90 days prior to the event. Smoking: No smoking is allowed in parish buildings.