OCIA for children classes are offered for second through twelfth-grade students who were not enrolled in classes last year or have not completed their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation). They will be preparing for any Sacraments they have not yet received. Classes are held on Monday (1st year) and Wednesday (2nd year) at 6:30 pm
Unbaptized children 7 and older.
1st grade-6th grade – Faith Formation
7th grade-12th grade – Youth Ministry
Validly Baptized children in another Christian faith.
1st grade-6th grade – Faith Formation
7th grade-12th grade – Youth Ministry
These children and their families will attend additional classes and special Masses, with times and dates to be determined.
These children will receive Sacraments during the Easter Vigil Mass.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic or completing the Sacraments of Initiation, we would like to invite you to meet with the St. Michael OCIA team and ask any questions you may have.