The Church office will be closed on Monday, January 20 for the Martin Luther King Day.
12 January 2025
The Baptism of the Lord
Since Jesus Christ is God and had no sins, He also had no need of the baptism of John, which was symbolic of a repentant heart. Yet in accepting John’s baptism, Jesus brings the whole of humanity before God in humility. The Spirit did descend upon Him, but not as an indwelling, as the Son was already One with the Spirit. Rather, it was an anointing for His mission as the Christ and Redeemer as the God-Man. In our Baptism, however, we do receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and are configured to Christ, thus becoming Children of God.
Father Joseph
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The pastoral plan will conclude on December 12, 2031, with a large Mass to celebrate the 500th anniversary of our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearance in San Juan Diego and the conclusion of this decade-long journey of faith and revitalization.
Our Lady of Guadalupe… Pray for us.
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