15 September 2024
Faith is a gift from God. We need to inwardly agree with the Truth of Christ, not just what we would like Him to be, but who He really is. But if our Faith is merely words, it is dead. We are called to follow Christ- to think as He thinks, to speak as He speaks, and to do as He does. If we do not do the works of faith, for example caring for the poor, participating in the sacraments, and living the doctrine handed down through the Apostles, then our faith will die. If we do the works of faith, our faith will grow stronger, and will sustain us through times of crisis.
Father Joseph
The Feast of St. Michael will take place on September 29, coinciding with the Feast of the Archangels. We are privileged to have Bishop Burns lead the 12:30 pm Mass.
The pastoral plan will conclude on December 12, 2031, with a large Mass to celebrate the 500th anniversary of our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearance in San Juan Diego and the conclusion of this decade-long journey of faith and revitalization.
Our Lady of Guadalupe… Pray for us.
To learn more about the Diocese of Dallas Synod, visit www.cathdal.org/synod.
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