24 November 2024
On the Last Day, everyone will see Jesus in all His glory. Any doubts about the plan of God will be replaced by the sure knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Lord God and Savior of us all. Those who love and seek the Truth will instantly realize that Jesus is the One whom they desire as the fulfillment of all their longing. Those who value themselves above all things and prefer lies will be immersed in the Love of God, but they will hate it. Then let us seek the Truth, and worship Jesus as the King of the Universe.
Father Joseph
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The pastoral plan will conclude on December 12, 2031, with a large Mass to celebrate the 500th anniversary of our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearance in San Juan Diego and the conclusion of this decade-long journey of faith and revitalization.
Our Lady of Guadalupe… Pray for us.
To learn more about the Diocese of Dallas Synod, visit www.cathdal.org/synod.